Friday, June 3, 2016

Interested in exploring craft brews?

Welcome to "Hoosier Craft Brews," a new blog I'm undertaking.

After four years of retirement from full-time employment, I've been finding new, fun things to keep me preoccupied. Photography usually consumes a lot of that free time, and on a recent visit to a newly opened craft brewery in Indianapolis, I found myself enjoying photography along with a growing new interest -- exploring craft breweries. While I was there, a light bulb clicked on.

I've already devoted full and partial posts at my seven-year-old brother photography blog, Photo Potpourri, to some of my craft brewery visits. In one of those posts, I mentioned how I've taken such a liking to craft brews today that I haven't drunk much (if any) mainstream/traditional beer in a long time ... possibly even three or four years. I've consumed a few imports in that period -- Stella Artois and Heinekin jump to mind -- but that's about it.

The picture you see at the top of the blog is one I took during a visit earlier this year to Central State Brewing, at 25th and Delaware streets in Indianapolis. If you clicked on the link in the previous paragraph, you discovered that it takes to you a post at my photography blog, Photo Potpourri, where you'll see that photo and an article about craft breweries in Indianapolis.

The article provides a suggestion for a very doable walking trail of downtown Indy craft breweries that are very close to each other. They are situated along a relatively straight, north-south geographic line. The walking part of the trail is beneficial for conscientious folks (and hopefully that involves everybody!) who don't want to drive motor vehicles after drinking alcoholic beverages. As the post notes, the real challenge in tackling the walking tour is to figure out a way to get home when you're done (i.e., bring along a designated drive).

Getting back to the light bulb mentioned above ... the idea came to me to devote my craft brewery interest into a new blog post and see where it goes. An important but honest caveat: I don't profess to be an expert in beer or beer-making. I've never attempted to brew my own and really don't have any desire to. If I have an experience in this field, it's simply imbibing good craft beers.

Also, I have a discriminating palate. I favor kolsches, pilsners, cream ales and IPAs (India pale ales), although I have found favor with a few dark and red brews that are not bitter. But in general, I am not (yet) a fan of porters or stouts, and I tend not to like seasonal brews flavored with fruits, pumpkins and spices.

The list of Indianapolis area breweries that you see with the links on the right of this page is, by no means, complete and comprehensive. It's developing. But I hope you find it useful if you need to check out information about one or more of your favorite breweries along the way. I've visited a good number of these breweries already; a few more I still need to check out, and I plan to do that.

And oh ... if you view this post before another one appears, you can say you are among the storied few who will have seen the first and only post. Feel special? Hey, go ahead and drink to that!

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