I had parked my car in the Ashworth Village shopping center, So when I returned to my car after the shoot, I looked up the brewery on my iPhone maps app and pin-pointed the location. Turns out, I'd come oh, so close to Bond Brothers during the walk-around before unwittingly turning away from it unseen. This time, behind the wheel of the car, I wasn't going to miss it.

When approaching the brewery from Cedar Street, you see the brick facade shown above; there is an opening through the fence to access the door, which is situated in the outdoor seating area behind that fence.
I was hoping to do a flight -- small samplings of several beers -- which I like to do when I visit a brewery for the first time. Flights (and growler fills, for that matter) are huge deals at Indiana craft breweries. Not so much at North Carolina breweries, and as for growlers -- if a brewery offers them, they don't discount them or offer a one-day growler fill special like Indiana craft breweries. They charge quite a lot for them, in fact. The Bond Brothers bartender told me the brewery doesn't offer flights ... and doesn't even offer growler fills. Their best substitutes were 10-ounce servings -- most costing $3 (versus $5 for most pint glasses), and tall cans that contain 32 ounces (a/k/a crawlers).

Several customers seated near me were drinking a purple-colored draft, which I soon learned was the Blackberry Raspberry Sorcery sour ale. I asked the bartender for a sample to see what the interest was. I place sour beers at the bottom of my likes at craft breweries; the Sorcery was, indeed, sour, but probably one of the least offensive I've ever had. Still, it would not be a beverage I would seek out again.
In between fills, I got up and photographed the brewing quarters (two photos below) where the company makes its brews.
Like a lot of craft breweries, Bond Brothers sells paraphernalia merchandising its brand and products. There were globes (glasses), tumblers and T-shirts on sale at the brewery, for example. But it also offers these items and more for sale at an online store.
Above and below: The bar area and two of the three staffers who served customers there the day I visited.
Above and below: A couple shots of the interior. I had been seated a couple chairs around the corner from the woman wearing the light blue top in the above photo. The vats and drums pictured previously were behind a large glass window immediately to the right of where the photo below ends.
Above: A look at the outdoor seating area.
Above: There was a Mexican fast-food truck, La Republica, stationed outside the brewery the day I visited.
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